She Got Up Off the Couch*
I had a CT scan on Thursday and, as usual, the week or two prior to the scan were anxiety ridden ones. The scan shows us what's going on inside my bod - they use a high contrast dye to help identify any possible new lesions and to track the growth (or lack of growth) of existing malignancies. CT scans can be done anywhere on the body but mine focus on the chest, abdomen, and pelvis because that is where my growths have already occurred, and my type of cancer likes to return to the scene of the crime, so to speak. Well, to the scene of the metastasized crime (places the cancer spread beyond the primary tumor site, which was my sigmoid colon), I should say - it's very rare for another colon tumor to emerge. Anyway, as I've explained before, my medical team is very attentive in their quest to keep me alive (Thank You!) and thus, I have undergone these scans every two to three months since my initial diagnosis. These are in addition to PET scans, which search the whole body for...