
Showing posts from February, 2017

Let's Play a Game

The name of the game is, "What's the hell are you charting?" Here's the visual: Hmmm. Puzzling. Let's see... Heartrate on a highly anxious individual? No.  Number of drinks per week? No (although that last spike looks like it would have been QUITE the good time). Come on, people! Think! This is a REAL MEDICAL chart. It is a real, medical chart of MINE.  It was given to me by my REAL doctor for me to take home. What. IS. It?  Fine. FINE. I will give you...a hint. Two hints. It is something you measure with a blood test, and it charts that measurement for one whole year. Sit here and think about this and look at it for a few minutes, and then I will tell you the answer.   Done thinking? Okay, me too. This is a chart of my platelets, measured in 20K (K= thousand) increments. The first spike on the chart is on the far left, and is just under 100K. The highest point, on the right, is 169K. The lowest points, again on the left, are right