
Showing posts from November, 2015


I felt like a lab rat this week...and then I ended up becoming one! Pretty exciting stuff, really. Last we met, you'll remember, I was moaning and groaning about nausea induced by Xeloda, my oral chemo drug. Sadly for me, that situation continued to deteriorate, and by the end of the day on Monday, I had vomited at least 5 times, despite multiple doses of anti-nausea medicine. My onocologist, bless him, answers my emails at all hours, and so at some point on Monday, he said to take a few days off from my Xeloda and come into the clinic on Tuesday if I needed fluids. At 1 in the morning, I send a pathetic little email to my team and said, yes, please! to the fluids...and to another, stronger anti-nausea drug.  When I roused myself on Tuesday morning, my oncologist's nurse, Roxanne, who is truly one of the most efficient human beings I've ever met, had already sent me a note telling me that I had a chair ready to go at the infusion clinic for fluids and Kytril (the anti-na...

You Gotta Take The Bad With The Good

The last few months have gone like this: bloodwork, discover platelets are too low for chemo, take N-plate to boost platelets, repeat weekly; get Avastin infusion every three weeks; pack, pack, pack, pack, and pack some more due to impending move; listen to husband warn that something will go wrong with the move; keep packing. Read some work from my honors students. Pack. Stand around in dismay when husband's Cassandra-ing becomes reality, then breathe a sigh of relief when it gets worked out. Repeat twice more. Move! Unpack, unpack, unpack, unpack, and keep unpacking. Discover both cars don't fit into the garage at the same time; feel secretly happy because I hate my car; trade in car. Realize all the moving wore me out; sleep a lot.  Watch daughter fall in love with acting, her new school, and her teacher (not necessarily in that order); rejoice when she makes new friends. Watch son also fall in love with his teacher, listen with glee as he comes home with lots of new informa...