Anxiety: A Resolution
So. I haven't been on here for a month. That was not by design. Here's the thing: I've reduced myself into the shadows. Over the course of the last month, now that I stop to think about it, I've stopped posting on social media, stopped writing, stopped driving unless absolutely necessary, stopped buying groceries, stopped going outside (again, unless necessary), stopped writing - my blogs, my fiction, my daily journals, stopped going to yoga. Stopped walking to the coffeeshop. Haven't even texted much. I don't even sit at my desk anymore, or read about world affairs. And this week? Ugh. This week, I didn't get out of bed until my mom came over and bought me lunch on Tuesday. And on Monday, I flat out refused to walk to get lunch with my husband. I went to bed last night at 7pm. Why? It's a good question. The answer is fear and anxiety. Cancer is scary and anxiety inducing, right? Right. But I've suffered from anxiety issues almost my entire life. ...