
Showing posts from January, 2018

Livin' It Up With My O2 Wing...Droids?

Insofar as my life with cancer goes, the last month has been pretty unremarkable - which, I suppose, makes it remarkable! I'm still taking the TAS-102 (Lonsurf) regimen. I did have some neutropenia (low counts) after starting my latest round in January, but we also had a family vacation planned (a real vacation, where it was just us, a beach, and a whole lot of sunshine!) so that ended up working to my advantage - my oncologist wanted me to take a week off in between the two phases of my chemo intake, and so I was blessedly free of chemo while we hit the beach. Now I'm back and my counts are steady and I have resumed chemo.  While my chemo plans have stayed mostly on track, I have been having problems with - surprise, surprise - my lungs. A string of colds, a visit from Influenza type-A, something that sounded suspiciously like name it, and one of the kids in our house has had it over the last two months (they've also had lice, but that's a completely s...