2018 March 29: How to Spend All that Quality Infusion Chair Time! And More Skincare Solutions!
Today was a biweekly doctor visit and infusion day and I also watched one of my favorite movies, so I have OSO MUCH to tell you, I can barely (am I the only one who just got my own pun?) stand it. BUT! Before I regale you with stories: we have some grammar-ing to do, America, and I have chemo brain, so if I don't blurt this out at this very moment, I may forget to discuss it for weeks. I know the Republic is on the brink of collapse and everyone is getting their nuclear bunkers ready, but let's consider the TRUE CRISIS FACING US RIGHT NOW: the bi/semi prefix crisis. It's very clear in my own head: generally speaking, "semi" (as in semiweekly) means "twice in a" and "bi" (as in biweekly) means "every two." That's just how it works. Can we all just agree to this and stop feeling befuddled by whether a bimonthly suubscription means you get something every other month or twice in a single month? I can only take so much confusion a...