
Showing posts from June, 2018

2018 June 29: It's Just a Phase

Surprise! I'm posting again, twice in one week!  Q: OMG! How can this be? A: I had an check-up and chemo yesterday, and some thoughts about that. So I thought I would go ahead and share. Chemo brain teaches you not to wait and write it all down later, because later arrives and your brain is blank in the spot that was holding your thoughts. It's nice. I hope you never have to try it, and I also hope that you have a lot of patience with your friends who DO have chemo brain (because they do!) and forget words, comments, previous discussions, plans, addresses, directions, phone numbers, what they were going to say - you name it. They are much more frustrated/annoyed about it than you are, and there's nothing to be done but make lists and calendar appointments and then make lists to remember that you did all that - and then keep the master list of lists somewhere you won't forget. I know aging leads most down this road eventually, but I'm 43 and had a photograp...

2018 06 26: Where Have You Gone, Dr. Jaaaaaaaay-ay-ay?*

*to the tune of Don Maclean's "American Pie" Well, well, well! It's been a while, hasn't it? I got sidetracked as the second half of May engulfed me in a wave of "school's (almost) out, camps are starting and you should have registered in January" insanity, and after a couple of weeks, I realized that no one was asking me where the next blog update was and it was both a disappointment (for obvious reasons) and a relief (because I'd been starting to obsess a bit over the idea that I had to post consistently). So then I just started navel gazing rather than thinking and writing. I took a mental vacation, I suppose. It was sort of nice! But I discovered that the reason why I don't take mental vacations very often is because I get a little too cozy with my life-long nemesis, anxiety, and her BFF, depression. So the mental vacation is over and you'll all just have to pretend you're really eager for regular installments if I fall of...