Four Candles on My Gratitude Day Cupcake

Ever since I learned the term, I've hated it: "cancerversary." I mean, who the hell wants to celebrate cancer? Who wants that rubbing up against celebratory anniversaries of love and growth? Not me. The bottom line is this: words matter. If you pay close attention to my discussions and conversations around my disease, you might notice that I don't use the word "cancer" very often, and I don't use the word "tumor" (*shudder*), either. It's part and parcel of my own ongoing efforts to assert power over my life, my health, my body. Personally, I also am not a big fan of the "warrior" mentality. Don't get me wrong: there are days when nothing else will do, and fighting through a feeling, a complication, a recovery, a piece of disagreeable news is the only way for me to get from one end to the other. But I've never been a fan of war, and I find the concept of going to war against - let's face it - myself very hard ...