2018 Feb. 23: The Big Chill
It's been two weeks, which seems like such a long time, but then again, I don't know where the hours and days have gone. I just know that suddenly, March (Colon Cancer Awareness Month!) is right around the corner. Which means it's almost spring. I keep telling myself that as I gaze out my frosty windows and hear the wind blow. I keep telling myself that as I pile another blanket on top and silently curse the dry cleaning guy who broke my mattress pad heater. I tell myself that as I empty ANOTHER box of tissues into the trash and take more cough syrup. It's almost working. It's almost working, which means it's mostly not working . I have spent more mornings and afternoons in bed lately than absolutely necessary. First, it was a cold. Then, the flu stopped by. Then, another cold. We went to Hawaii and EVERYTHING WAS BEAUTIFUL...And then I came back and had a lot of trouble with the chemo cycle that began the week after vacation. I had nausea - oh! the na...