2018 26 April: The Big 0-5!
A cool late Friday afternoon was turning to early evening on this day five years ago as Nick and I arrived at home, shell-shocked and terrified with the new knowledge that I had cancer. As we sat there in the car, I finally googled survival statistics for advanced stages of colon cancer (I wouldn't know if I was Stage III or IV until the following Monday). Survey said: nine percent five year survival rate for stage IV. Nine. Nine? I couldn't breathe. I gasped like a fish out of water. Nine. My expectations of seeing my babies grow up had just plummeted. I likely wouldn't even see either of them make it to nine years old. There's a reckoning that occurs when you're confronted with your own mortality, a disrobing of sorts. I felt so empty those first days - as though someone had turned me over and shaken me, and almost all of the things that I thought mattered fell away and lay broken at my feet. In place of all of that, a smooth canvas of pure white terror an...