Blankness: Update
There's this crazy amazing thing that happens when you cry out for help. Within minutes of my last post, I discovered someone had sent me a card game in the mail; I received comforting (and in at least one case, perfectly bossy) texts from several dear friends, all of whom made me laugh even though I was also crying; and I got plenty of internet love, too. Plus my dad called to tell me to ditch the edema and keep the boots, and he threw in a bonus idea of what to make for dinner. So you know what I did?
I discovered a Xanax on the floor, so obviously I took that. Already feeling a bit better, I proceeded to watch the "The One with Ross's Sandwich" episode from Friends while taking a bubble bath, and then I got out of that bathtub and put on decent clothes - I even wrestled those damn boots on, too. Next, I started walkin'. Because that's what you do after you finish your middle of the day bubble bath pity party and put on kickass boots. (And also what you do when you have to pick up the kids at school within the next ten minutes or they send them to YMCAjail after-care.)
I discovered a Xanax on the floor, so obviously I took that. Already feeling a bit better, I proceeded to watch the "The One with Ross's Sandwich" episode from Friends while taking a bubble bath, and then I got out of that bathtub and put on decent clothes - I even wrestled those damn boots on, too. Next, I started walkin'. Because that's what you do after you finish your middle of the day bubble bath pity party and put on kickass boots. (And also what you do when you have to pick up the kids at school within the next ten minutes or they send them to YMCA

the aforementioned, ultra sweet-ass boots
What is this thing, this help that appears as if from nowhere? I really don't know. Friends have suggested that it's Karma - that the actions I've taken in the past have come back to help me in the present. I'd like to think that's true, but then again, I'm not really that nice of a person, so my Karma stash is bound to run out sometime soonish. Eek. Others might say that it's the hand of God, but I don't know if I really believe in a God who has the time and inclination to set everyone up to help little ol' me. What happens to free will then? Besides, isn't God busy birthing planets and stars and butterflies and whatnot?
No. The more I think about it, the more it becomes apparent to me that the assistance that manifests itself when I need it most is the Universe reassuring me that we're all interconnected. How else do you explain it? "Leap...and the net will appear." Scary and exciting stuff to contemplate. And beautiful, reassuring, happy stuff, too, to consider - all at once.
I want those boots! What are they? If I get them, we'll have 2 pairs of matching boots and 2 pairs of matching shoes. :)