
This beautiful girl turns ten today. Ten! A whole new existence awaits her. Ten is a magical time, when the simple things of childhood begin to be folded up and tucked away...and a limitless world of new possibilities await. Ten. Such a satisfying time. She's been waiting to claim that number for what feels, I'm sure, like forever. And now it's here.  And now it's here, and so am I. Ten. On a very dark day almost four years ago, my future collapsed in front of me as if in a conflagration. The prospect of me still being here with her on this good, hard earth and able to watch her settle the mantle of ten (ten!) atop her slender shoulders was swallowed up into the ashy blackness. I couldn't think on it. Instead, I pushed to make it to Mother's Day, to the Fourth of July, to the beginning of second grade. I breathed in, and I breathed out. And then I did it again. And ten waited in the darkness.  I caught a glimpse of it now and then, ten, as I made my way from one chemo session to another, as I climbed into another hospital bed, as I submitted to more needles. And somewhere along the line, ten began to glow. A flickery and fiery glow, gossamer and fleeting as a fairy wing. I clasped it in my hands sometimes and gazed at it with wonder. Would I see ten in my daughter's face one glorious day?  Its flickering finally gave way to a rosy hue that lit the horizon ahead, and ten became my friend, my training partner, urging me on, ever glowing and beckoning to me, irresistible in its warmth. We joined hands and ran through fall and winter, rushed through the snows of February, past the surgical procedures and question marks of March...and here we be.  My girl is ten and I am her mama.  We made it to this magnificent place, together. There are so many more miles to go...but for today, this week, this month - I'm just going to savor seeing my girl take ten and make it her very own. I love you, Sweet Girl. You have been a source of deep and utter joy to me from the moment that we met. Thank you for choosing me as your mom. Thanks for turning ten.


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