What a Difference a Year Makes!
This time last year, I was starting a new round of chemo - Folfox, which we now know really REALLY wreaked havoc on my systems, especially my platelets and white blood cells - they even wound up testing me for leukemia this spring because my counts were so low. Andy platelets, once robust and normal as yours, still have not recovered. At this point, my oncologist says the damage is probably permanent and that my platelets have "reset" themselves at this new, much lower level. Just to give you an idea of what's normal in the world of platelets, 150k-400k is the normal range. During chemo, my oncologist required my platelet levels to be at 100k or higher. Today, my platelets are generally around 75k. Last time I had chemo, the medical team had to request (and thankfully, received) special permission ("compassionate use")for me to use a drug that would boost my platelets to an acceptable level for treatment. Fun stuff, right?
But I digress. I started this post full of gratitude and happiness! Whereas I was dragging my poor self around last year (I well remember how very, very hard it was for me to walk around with the kids for trick or treating - but I dare not miss it just in case it was my last chance), today the four of us hiked over three miles while up in Winter Park! By the very end, I had a lower back ache, but that's it! It was relaxing and beautiful and blessedly NORMAL. I can't believe our good fortune. Long may it last. Here's to enjoying the beautiful, everyday moments with the people we love the most. And during my favorite season, too!
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