A Book Challenge from Me to You (Book Post, of course!)

I was skimming through my FB feed and found this "article" that recommended 101 books to read besides "50 Shades of Grey." First of all, I applaud any effort to redirect people from that particular book. It is, without a doubt, one of the worst books of all time . (It is right up there with the Twilight series and now that I'm considering it, it in fact may have surpassed Twilight in its utter dreadfulness. At least Twilight had a plot, however lame.) I mean, just no. If you want some readable erotica, there's this woman named Anais Nin you may have heard of (and if you haven't heard of her, well, there's your summer reading list for hot, sleepless nights - get through that and you can move on to Henry Miller - ooh, la la)...or at the very least, you can read Catherine Millet's somewhat shocking memoir . Anyway. I digress. (Get used to that, because it happens sorta often. I also overuse parentheticals. Don't judge me.) The article, ins...